Friday, April 18, 2008

What Next ??

Agent Modelling ?

MPI Programming ?

Java RMI ?


Paper Review on XML Technology ?

What Next ????

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Easy Mender Commercial

Do you have a torn or hole on your pants or jeans ?

You feel too pity to throw it away ?

You don't have enough money to bring it to the tailor ?

You don't have enough money to buy a new one ?

Introducing..... Iron on Mender ! A quick solution for your beloved pants or jeans..

With this 2 easy steps:

1. Just cut it

2. Stick it, and iron it..

And walaa... your torn or hole is gone

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Once you called it a bad day, it will be a bad day

Have you ever experienced a bad day ? Of course you do, nobody hasn't. Maybe if you don't think about it too much, you wouldn't considered it a bad day. But i always think that once you had an unluckiness or something, more unluckiness will come to you and that's a bad day.

I experienced a bad day yesterday, and it turned out to be at my work in Vic Mart. Yesterday was the first day when Mas Solihin didn't help me (much). So first off all, i was late. I didn't expect to be late, but Najiba, the shop owner had come before me. And then, during the shop opening, i broke so so so many cloth hangers. See, that's one unluckiness...

In the afternoon, when i did the shop closing, i unexperiencely store the clothes in a wrong way. And do you know what happened? After piling so many clothes they were all collapsed !! Oh no... i felt if i had the ability to freeze time like Hiro Nakamura in Heroes, i would do that and fixed everything back.. Oh i felt so bad.. bad bad day... Eventually, Najiba and her son had to help me to do the closing and all the clothes weren't in correct order.

However, despite of my bad job, Najiba still kindly payed me full, but the consequence is i had to come early this morning to fix all that mess..

Now you see.. once a bad day, it's always a bad day.. I hope i wouldn't experience it again.

My New Room At Last !!

At last.. i got my new room. After spending more than a month in Mas Leo's room (thanks a lot...), i finally got a flat in Brunswick Rd. It's closer to the campus, although it's a bit more expensive than Mas Leo's room in Coburg.

I trully blessed the day (not i found you..) i met Mas Irwan and his father when we prayed together in Baillieu Library in Unimelb. I didn't know them that day, but i think Allah heard my desperation in searching for my own room. Hahaha.. Luckily, Mas Irwan (Master of research in Forestry) was looking for his replacement in his flat, because he has finished his study in Unimelb. Mas Irwan lived with his family and also his father, Pak Deddy who has just come for a post grad research in Botany in Unimelb.

So, without hesitation, i ran into that offer and here i am now..

This is my room sweet room...

Easter Break = Gathering

Other things that i did last easter break are gatherings. I attented two gatherings.
First gathering was held by Mas Leo with other depkominfo scholarship awardess plus depkominfo staff which are studying in Melbourne. Mas Leo held this gathering in order to celebrate his marriage. So, what was the food? BBQ !! :D

Second gathering was held a few days after that in Clayton. This time, only the depkominfo scholarship awardess who gathered. We used Pak Zul's house which was very near to Monash University. This time not bbq, but lots of food !! I don't mine as long as it free. Hehehe.. kidding.
After the gathering, we took some pictures around Monash University.