Friday, February 22, 2008

Journey to Melbourne - Part 1

On 18th February 2008 i departed from Jakarta, Indonesia to Melbourne, Australia.

I was with my two other fellow MCIS Awardess, mbak neni and mbak yuni. For those of you who don't know what MCIS is, i will tell you. MCIS stands for Ministry of Communication and Informatics. Yeah, i considered myself lucky to get a scholarship to Australia and moreover, it is from the goverment ! So, i think i have to study seriously right ? Hahaha..

Anyway, my flight was QF42 which was going to transit to Sydney, and mbak yuni supposed to get off there. I have to leave my family and my girlfriend Deasy but i didn't feel that sad. Hmm, maybe it's because i will only leaving for about 10 months. Yeah, my study will only take that long. Master of Software System Engineering in Unimelb only consists of 2 semester, so by the end of 2008 i should be finished.

The fligh took around 6 hours to get to Sydney. It was okay i think, actually i didn't feel it was that long cause i was asleep about 4 hours, while the first 2 hours i enjoyed the flight dinner and watched "The Heartbreaker Kid" which was starred by Ben Stiller. Oh, and i also happended to take care of mbak neni who got a bit sick. Hoho, that "Tolak Angin" actully worked on you, mbak neni.

At 8.30 (Sydney time) we arrived in Sydney airport. I felt so excited cause the last time i've ever gone abroad was when i was 11. I was a bit worried too because my baggage would be checked by the quarantine. Hope nothing is gonna get wrong.

this is me, mbak yuni, mbak neni, arrived in Sydney

In Sydney airport looked fine. We were checked in the immigration, claimed our baggages, and suddenly.... What a long queue just to pass through the quarantine area! I took a video about this queue, if you want to see. It was like this thousand of people try to get their bags checked, but there were not enough doors available.

It took us 2 hours just to queue there whereas mbak neni and i got a plane to catch to melbourne at 10. We started to queue at around 9.30, so as you can imagine, we were late. But we shouldn't be worried, because our flight was moved to 14.30. It meant that we had around 2 hours for fooling around in the airport. What i was worried about was the university airport pickup. I registred for the airport pickup before i left and they only know that i would arrive at 11 (Melbourne time). I couldn't contact them so the alternative was to catch a taxi when i got to Melbourne airport. Btw, we separated with mbak yuni after we passed through the quarantine area.

In the sydney airport, i tried to call my family and Deasy. By using my xl bebas, i took me 4000 rupiah just to send a sms and i could not make a phone call. So i tried to find alternatives. I found this thing called "calling card" which can be got through the money changer counters or through a calling card vending machines. I was confused in using it for the first time, but in the end, i figured it out. I was so glad that i could call my family and Deasy. I think i do miss them afterall.

Anyway, sydney airport was so big. It got three big terminals and to get to each terminal, they facilitate people with airport buses. After waiting for about 2 hours, we finally got to the plane.

Sydney Airport

Ok, i'll be off to Melbourne. Good bye Sdyney, looking forward to be here again when i'm travelling.

to be continued ....

1 comment:

ted said...

tiba dengan selamat kan :D .... kok ndak ada suaranya ridho di video nya ... :D