Thursday, February 28, 2008

Still in tourist mode

New semester will begin in a few days. Before that day come, i surely could take some trips around the city. A few days back i took a little trip around flinder street area.
At flinder street area we could see the Yarra river which is the river that goes through the city of Melbourne.
I took some pictures there (i went with mbak neni and mbak desi) and these are some of them.

On the bridge across the Yarra river

Tallest building in Melbourne ??

Federation Square: an art gallery

Hmm.. i wonder what this painting means. (Inside Fed Square)


ted said...

mbak2nya ndak dipoto juga nih? kok cuman sendirian? ndak naek perahunya dho?

Samuel Louvan said...

Seneng pisan lho areke...

HaSaN said...

cuma sekedar mampir aje..

jalan2 mulu yeee...