Saturday, April 5, 2008

Easter Break = Gathering

Other things that i did last easter break are gatherings. I attented two gatherings.
First gathering was held by Mas Leo with other depkominfo scholarship awardess plus depkominfo staff which are studying in Melbourne. Mas Leo held this gathering in order to celebrate his marriage. So, what was the food? BBQ !! :D

Second gathering was held a few days after that in Clayton. This time, only the depkominfo scholarship awardess who gathered. We used Pak Zul's house which was very near to Monash University. This time not bbq, but lots of food !! I don't mine as long as it free. Hehehe.. kidding.
After the gathering, we took some pictures around Monash University.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wah Dho, foto yg atas kirain pake kaos HITZ, hehe :p