Thursday, August 14, 2008

It has been decided

After 1 week subject shopping this second semester (which is hopefully my last)... i've decided the subjects that i'm going to take.

1. Machine Learning

Yup.. i take it again. This is the second time i take Machine Learning. The first one was in my undergrad. Looks like this machine learning (taught by Tim Baldwin) is more to data mining. Hey, but i've taken Data Mining as well in your postgrad in Indo. So, what are you doing Ridho?
Well, i heard that Google is hiring people with Machine Learning skill. So.. Hahaha.... Good luck with the mathematics anyway.

2. Network and Parallel Processing

Prepare to be slaughtered by algorithms, complexity and mathematics... It's not just about creating programs that use more than one computer to do a processing. Well, at least it's cool to be able to do that.

3. Mobile Computing

One of the subjects that i've been willing to take. At least by taking this subject i will be forced to learn J2ME and creating cool mobile apps.

4. Engineering for Internet Application

My goal here is to learn more about creating web apps with todays technology. I hope i can get it here.

I think this semester is going to be hard.

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