Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Aussie's Slang

This week (26-29 Feb 2008) is the orientation week in Unimelb. There are lots of sessions that can be attented by students. Those sessions are not always about study supports, for example this session that i attended called "Understanding Australian Slang".

Interested by the topic, i came there, although i was late for about 10 minutes. It was pretty good actually. In the session, the lecturer thought us some of famous australian slangs.

Take a look at this one.

"I don't like this pub. Let's bugger off to the other pub across the road"

Bugger off means like move away.

Or this one..

"The other team are clearly being done. Do you still want to watch the game?"

Can you guess what it means ? Yes.. it means that the other team is heavily beaten.

There are some other weird words also, like "barbie". I wonder what it means.. Oh my, it means barberque.
Or this one, "rego". A shortenage of registration. Hahaha... very weird.

If you want to know more about Australian slang, you could browse this website http://www.aussieslang.com/

So. have a g'day mate !


ted said...

this barbie are being done mate, lets bugger of to get rego another place ...

Akihiro said...

so, the barberque is heavily beaten, so let's move out to registrate in another place?

ted said...

berbeque nya dah abis .. yok cari tempat laen :D