Friday, February 22, 2008

Journey to Melbourne - Part 2

Previously on my blog....

Hahaha.. sounds like tv series Heroes right ?

At 14.30 on 19th February 2008, my departed to Melbourne. The flight was okay. Got snacks, watched the tv. When i watched the tv, i realized that i was watching "Akhirnya datang juga" in Australian version, called "Thank God, you are here" (if i am not mistaken).

Finally at approximately 4 o'clock, mbak neni and i arrived in Melbourne airport. No troubles there. We were picked up by mbak desi, another MCIT awardess which have been in Melbourne for 6 months. We searched for her help because the university airport pickup didn't wait for us anymore.

i arrived in melbourne

We took a taxi together. The driver looked came from Middle East. When i saw him the first time, i though "wow, this guy looks like the vocalist of System of a Down (an armenian rock band)". In Melbourne, i temporary stays in mas leo's room in 35 Chambers Street Coburg. Leo is another MCIT awardess.

Way to coburg

The weather was sunny and hot, made me thought that Melbourne is as hot as Jakarta. But that thought should be revised if i saw the next day. I'll tell you later about this.
I arrived in Chambers Street around 5 o'clock. At last ! After 36 hours of travel (didn't take a bath also), i arrived safely. In the house, Fabian (a friend of mas leo and house mate) has been waiting for me and he told me everything that i need to know about the surroundings. Thx Fabian.


Samuel Louvan said...

Areke lho...Wis nyampe Australia..

ted said...

poto nya kecil banget!!! ndak keliatan ridho nya :D

Unknown said...

areke lhoo.. omong bae lho..
the legend is back piye kabare dho?

Chitra H. Ayuningtyas said...

wah dah nyampe... jadinya beneran ga da ikatan apa2 ya sama yang ngasi beasiswa? :D